Wondershare and Windows 11: Creating Efficiency for Users

Business Wire · Uhr

Over the decades, leading creative software company, Wondershare has prided itself on its commitment to constant innovation—designing products to help beginner and professional users alike achieve their creative potential. In keeping up with the latest tech updates, Wondershare has announced that all their products, including Filmora, PDFelement, InClowdz, EdrawMax, EdrawMind, Anireel, and UniConverter, which can be downloaded from the Microsoft Store, are now compatible with the newly released Windows 11.

“Whenever we design new products or new versions of our current products, we always keep efficiency top of mind—we know that time is very valuable to all our users, and the easier we can make their lives, the better,” said Luna Que, Product Director of Wondershare. “This is why we are very excited to see some of the new features of Windows 11, which will undoubtedly make processes more streamlined for users.”

Snap layouts and snap groups enhance productivity

This major overhaul of the Windows operating system features various new additions that enable users to more easily multitask, for example, snap layouts and snap groups. Video editors who utilize Wondershare products such as Filmora and Anireel will be able to more efficiently edit videos and photos by quickly switching between windows or viewing them all at once.

On the other hand, EdrawMax and EdrawMind users who create a lot of diagrams and mind maps can on their PCs with several windows open at once with snap layouts, enabling them to focus on the source material while designing the diagrams on EdrawMax and EdrawMind without having to minimize and maximize windows.

PDFelement 8’s latest update to streamline user experience to simplify the interface goes hand in hand with the efficiency that snap layouts and snap groups offer users. Now, creating and editing documents takes even less time and effort.

If you are planning to upgrade your desktop and laptop to the new Windows 11, be assured that your current Wondershare products will work perfectly—even better yet! To learn more about Wondershare’s suite of mobile and desktop products, visit our website: www.wondershare.it.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20211115005009/en/

Chiara Qin

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