Rentenfonds • Renten Unternehmensanleihen High Yield

Anlageschwerpunkt CORUM Butler European HY Fd.I.F.P.

Corum Butler Asset Management Limited
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173,45 Mio. EUR
Laufende Kosten
Morningstar ESG-Rating

Top Holdings zu CORUM Butler European HY Fd.I.F.P.

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Fondsstrategie zu CORUM Butler European HY Fd.I.F.P.

The investment objective of the Sub-Fund is to seek to achieve a positive long-term rate of return from investment in fixed income securities. The Sub-Fund will primarily invest in European high yield fixed income securities issued by corporate entities. The Sub-Fund may also invest in fixed income securities issued by government entities. Fixed income securities are debt instruments (such as bonds) which provide investors with a fixed return, typically consisting of the repayment of their initial investment plus an amount of interest, but other forms of repayment or return are possible. High yield securities (also known as below investment grade securities) generally have lower credit ratings, but pay higher rates of interest, than investment grade securities which have higher credit ratings but which conversely tend to pay less interest.