Alternative Investments • Hedgefonds

Alma Selwood Absolute Return Credit - I1C-E EUR ACC

1.260,960 EUR
+1,040 EUR+0,08 %
1.260,960 EUR
1.260,960 EUR
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49,03 Mio. EUR
Laufende Kosten
1,37 %
Morningstar ESG-Rating

Kosten und Erträge

Verwaltungsgebühr1,10 %
Laufende Kosten1,37 %
Keine Sparpläne

Top Holdings zu Alma Selwood Absolute Return Credit - I1C-E EUR ACC

Spanien EO-Obligaciones 2010(25)
Anleihe · WKN A1ATVW · ISIN ES00000122E5
26,95 %
ITALIEN 19/2517,44 %
Italien, Republik EO-B.T.P. 2014(24)
Anleihe · WKN A1ZN0X · ISIN IT0005045270
8,83 %
Frankreich EO-OAT 2021(25)
Anleihe · WKN A3K1JU · ISIN FR0014007TY9
8,69 %
Summe:61,91 %

Alternative Anteilsklassen zu diesem Fonds

Was sind alternative Anteilsklassen?

Viele Investmentfonds werden in unterschiedlichen Anteilklassen angeboten. Dabei handelt es sich um Anteile am selben Fonds. Anteilklassen können sich z.B. in der Ertragsverwendung (ausschüttend / thesaurierend), in der Höhe des Ausgabeaufschlags und der Verwaltungsvergütung oder der Mindestanlagesumme unterscheiden. Jede Anteilsklasse besitzt eine eigene Wertpapierkennummer (WKN) und internationale Wertpapierkennummer (ISIN). Das Investmentkonzept bleibt über die Anteilklassen hinweg unverändert.


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Ratings zu Alma Selwood Absolute Return Credit - I1C-E EUR ACC

Morningstar ESG-Rating
Morningstar Style-Box™ (Anleihen)
Scope Mutual Fund Rating

Fondsstrategie zu Alma Selwood Absolute Return Credit - I1C-E EUR ACC

The Investment Objective of the Sub-Fund is to achieve positive riskadjusted returns to investors primarily through opportunistic investments in credit markets. The Sub-Fund invests in a range of financial instruments which mainly reference credit indices such as iTRAXX Main Index and Markit CDX North America Investment Grade indices and companies based in Europe and North America. These financial instruments include total return swaps (agreements to exchange a particular asset for the performance of another over a set period of time), credit default swaps (agreements where one party covers a potential loss with reference to a debt instrument in return for a periodic payment), options (agreements where one party has the right to buy or sell a financial instrument at a particular price within a fixed term) and tranches on such credit indices (agreements where one party covers a particular portion of the potential loss on an index in return for a periodic payment). The Sub-Fund invests in credit opportunities that the Investment Manager considers will generate returns (long positions) and bets against (take short positions) credit opportunities it believes will drop in value. The Investment Manager seeks to identify investment opportunities where it believes that the current market value of the investment does not reflect the inherent value of the investment. The Sub-Fund uses various risk management techniques to seek to achieve its objective relative to the risks inherent in the portfolio. As well as using financial contracts (derivatives) to efficiently manage the portfolio and with the aim to reduce foreign currency exposure in respect of the assets (hedging), the Sub-Fund will use derivatives for investment purpose. The gross leverage is not expected to exceed 3500% of the value of the Sub-Fund. The Sub-Fund, which is calculated in Euro, may use hedging to try to reduce the effect of foreign exchange rate fluctuations where investments are denominated in currencies other than Euro. The Sub-Fund is actively managed with ...

Stammdaten zu Alma Selwood Absolute Return Credit - I1C-E EUR ACC

  • KVG
  • Fondsmanager/Anlageberater
    Selwood Asset Management LLP
  • Domizil/Land
  • Geschäftsjahresbeginn
    1. Februar
  • Verwahrstelle
    CACEIS Bank, Luxembourg Branch
  • Fondsvolumen
    49,03 Mio. EUR
  • Währung
  • Auflagedatum
  • Ertragsverwendung
  • Mindestsumme Einmalanlage/Folgeeinlage
    10.000,00 EUR /

Weitere Kurse

Performance-Rangliste des Anlageschwerpunktes

Wie gut ist dieser Fonds im Vergleich zu anderen Fonds im Anlageschwerpunkt Hedgefonds? Nutze die Fonds Performance-Rangliste mit folgenden Vergleichszeiträumen.

Risiko-Kennzahlen zu Alma Selwood Absolute Return Credit - I1C-E EUR ACC

Maximaler Verlust
Positive Monate
Höchstkurs (in EUR)
Tiefstkurs (in EUR)
Durchschnittspreis (in EUR)

Performance-Kennzahlen zu Alma Selwood Absolute Return Credit - I1C-E EUR ACC

Relativer Return
Relativer Return Monatsdurchschnitt
Performance im Jahr
Sharpe Ratio (annualisiert)
Excess Return

Fondsprospekte zu Alma Selwood Absolute Return Credit - I1C-E EUR ACC